[PATCH 1/1] wg(8): rephrase wording on AllowedIPs

Daniel Lublin daniel at lublin.se
Sun Feb 18 13:02:38 CET 2018

 src/tools/wg.8 | 12 ++++++------
 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/tools/wg.8 b/src/tools/wg.8
index 49dc15b..b49fb7a 100644
--- a/src/tools/wg.8
+++ b/src/tools/wg.8
@@ -143,12 +143,12 @@ and may be omitted. This option adds an additional layer of symmetric-key
 cryptography to be mixed into the already existing public-key cryptography,
 for post-quantum resistance.
 .IP \(bu
-AllowedIPs \(em a comma-separated list of IP (v4 or v6) addresses with
-CIDR masks from which incoming traffic for this peer is allowed and to
-which outgoing traffic for this peer is directed. The catch-all
-\fI0.0.0.0/0\fP may be specified for matching all IPv4 addresses, and
-\fI::/0\fP may be specified for matching all IPv6 addresses. May be specified
-multiple times. Required.
+AllowedIPs \(em a comma-separated list of IP (v4 or v6) addresses with CIDR
+masks, declaring the sources of incoming traffic that are allowed through the
+peer, and as well defining which destinations of outgoing traffic that will be
+directed through the peer. The catch-all \fI0.0.0.0/0\fP may be specified for
+matching all IPv4 addresses, and \fI::/0\fP may be specified for matching all
+IPv6 addresses. May be specified multiple times. Required.
 .IP \(bu
 Endpoint \(em an endpoint IP or hostname, followed by a colon, and then a
 port number. This endpoint will be updated automatically to the most recent

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