WireGuard root-less support for android

Aurélien Chabot aurelien at chabot.fr
Tue Jan 23 02:52:30 CET 2018

Hi Mathias,

Did you had thought about the support of wireguard-go for android?
I'll be happy to rebase the work I did before on wireguard-go to get that a
new go.


On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 8:50 AM Aurélien Chabot <aurelien at chabot.fr> wrote:

> The GetUDPConn is used to forward the socket id to the Java layer. The
> android API allow to protect the socket from being route to the VPN, making
> the job of using the VPN as default route easy.
> About the close, good to know I am not missing something. I might spit the
> patch then, so the bug fix doesn't get stuck with the rest.
> Aurélien
> On Thu, Nov 9, 2017, 04:48 Mathias Hall-Andersen <mathias at hall-andersen.dk>
> wrote:
>> Hi Aurélien
>> Thanks for contributing to the wireguard-go project.
>> I never anticipated for the implementation to be used as a library.
>> This means that I either have to:
>> 1. Settle for an API and reconsider what is exported and not.
>> 2. Give no guarantees about API stability
>> Providing the functionality as a library might be the cleanest solution
>> in this case.
>> One option is to have an internal package and a small exported API.
>> Is the GetUDPConn only used to wait for the device to bind?
>> The missing device.tun.device.Close() is indeed a bug.
>> I will look more at your patches during the weekend,
>> Thanks once again.
>> Mathias
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