WireGuard with a Non-Automatic-Default-Route

markus markus at activezone.de
Mon Aug 12 20:25:25 CEST 2019

Hi Jason!

Today I have configured the first time a wireguard on my desktop
computer (MacOSX). I know that MacOSX is declared as a client operating
system but I believe a "Checkbox" into the wireguard setup box for the
option "Don't add a Default-Route" was a good idea.

In my "very" complex wireguard mesh I'm using BIRD with OSPF but I have
now a smal job to configure a single client with only a single
destination address. The "customer" (my brother *g*) is only a enduser
they want to access a service on my network. He don't need a default
gateway into my network. Instead the gateway address a network address
would be a great thing (for me).

Opinions on this?

Best regards,

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