[WireGuard] Pull-based peer configuration

F. Hölzlwimmer git.ich at frhoelzlwimmer.de
Thu Dec 26 02:36:27 CET 2019


are there any updates on this?

I searched for a possibility to connect WireGuard to a per-user 
authorized_key store.
Optimally, it would work like SSH, i.e. the client executes `wg connect 
user at server.org -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa`.
The server then runs some user-space daemon to check whether the 
client's `~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub` is listed in the server's 
`~user/.ssh/authorized_keys` file.

Another use case would be to have a database of public keys (e.g. 
FreeIPA) which the user-space daemon checks for the client's public key.


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