wg-quick up automation fails

Silvan Nagl mail at 53c70r.de
Sun Jun 2 01:49:21 CEST 2019


i recently upgrade WireGuard to the latest shipped Debian version
(0.0.20190406-1) and noticed my wg-quick created interface did not come
up as usual anymore. (Also tried the git master branch) I tried to
single command trough wg-quick's automation to reproduce the error;


[#] ip link add Y type wireguard
[#] wg setconf Y /dev/fd/63
[#] ip address add X.X.X.X/32 dev Y
[#] ip address add fc00::XXXX/128 dev Y
[#] ip link set mtu XXXX up dev Y
[#] resolvconf -a tun.Y -m 0 -x
[#] wg set Y fwmark 51820
[#] ip -6 route add ::/0 dev Y table 51820
RTNETLINK answers: No such device
[#] resolvconf -d tun.Y
[#] ip link delete dev Y


> ip link add Y type wireguard

> wg setconf Y <(wg-quick strip /etc/wireguard/Y.conf)

> ip address add X.X.X.X/32 dev Y

> ip address add fc00::XXXX/128 dev Y

> ip link set mtu 1268 up dev Y

> resolvconf -a tun.X -m 0 -x

> wg set Y fwmark 51820

> ip -6 route add ::/0 dev Y table 51820

< RTNETLINK answers: No such device

(MTU may be to low here so i set it higher again)

> ip link set mtu 1420 up dev Y

> ip -6 route add ::/0 dev Y table 51820 (works now)

breaks up @ this point because of error handling...

Additionally it could be possible the MTU isn't set correctly.



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