DNS search domain support in wg-quick

Matt Layher mdlayher at gmail.com
Thu Sep 26 20:40:48 CEST 2019

I would like to add DNS search domain support to wg-quick and I have a 
working patch for Linux. It would look something like:

Address = fe80::2/128
PrivateKey = (redacted)
DNS =, fd00::1
DNSSearch = lan.example.com, lan.ipv4.example.com, lan.ipv6.example.com

I have a few questions to ask:

1) Is this something that we would like to have upstream? It appears it 
can also be done manually with a PostUp directive, but this also seems 
to wipe out the configuration set by the DNS key under the Interface 

2) What is the policy for adding features like this across multiple 
platforms? It should be straightforward to port the change from Linux to 
FreeBSD and OpenBSD, but I'm unsure about Darwin and Android. Darwin 
appears to have a networksetup flag to do the trick, but the Android C 
changes would require much more scrutiny.

Thanks for your time,

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