QR-Code support for Wireguard-Windows

szaimen szaimen at e.mail.de
Tue Apr 14 03:04:58 CEST 2020


I would like to propose a feature request specifically for the Wireguard-Windows client but
probably also for other desktop-clients; I hope this is the appropriate way of doing this since the
issue category seems to be disabled on github for this repo.

I really would like to see getting QR-Code Support for the Wireguard-Windows client since most
laptops where you are most likely using wireguard on have a camera and could propably use it to get
the connection infos directly from the server without having to copy it to the specific device.
(e.g. when not having a second PC, this could work if you connect with your smartphone to your
server over vnc and scan then with the laptop-camea the qr code from your smartphone)

This would be really awesome!

Thank you!

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