Wireguard not available for CentOS Stream

Jason A. Donenfeld Jason at zx2c4.com
Mon Jan 4 12:47:11 UTC 2021

On Mon, Jan 4, 2021 at 2:24 AM Joe Doss <joe at solidadmin.com> wrote:
> https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/jdoss/wireguard/
> The official DKMS install method for CentOS has a Stream repo enabled. It
> should work fine. Let us know if you have any issues.

It's actually presently broken. I've fixed it in the master branch with:

But Red Hat still has not fixed other bugs that will enable our CI to
continue, and I won't release for RHEL alone until the CI is green.
You can cherry pick that into your dkms package if you need. I wrote
Red Hat a patch and sent it, but there's been no updated kernel yet.

More generally, I'm on the fence about how much I actually want to
support CentOS Stream. CentOS non-Stream is annoying, because it's
developed behind closed doors and is extremely slow to fix things, but
at least the changes are gradual and it's easy to keep up with, by
virtue of rarely changing. In contrast, CentOS Stream is fast moving,
and extremely unstable, with builds frequently breaking. This would be
fine and I would prefer it, since it means we can in theory get things
fixed reasonably fast, but actually, Stream is still developed behind
closed doors, with no visibility about what's going on, no
communication from RH on when fixes are coming out, no regular or
reliable release schedule, no releases for months sometimes, and just
a bugzilla blackbox that forces all reports to be private/secret. So,
unstable+secretive development makes developing for CentOS Stream
nearly as fun as developing for macOS, which is to say, not very fun.

Anyway, as soon as they drop a new kernel and the CI is green again,
I'll release. Or they ignored my patch and the CI will still be red.
We'll see!

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