wg syncconf (and setconf) error when one or more endpoints is unresolvable

Christian McDonald rcmcdonald91 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 15 08:35:43 UTC 2021


Assume a tunnel with say 3 peers. Peer A is accessible via an IPv4
address, Peer B by some FQDN, and Peer C by some other FQDN. Let's
also assume that Peer C was misconfigured with an unresolvable FQDN.
wg syncconf (and setconf) fails with 'Name does not
resolve...Configuration parsing error'

Is it expected behavior in this case that *none* of the peer
configurations are actually applied? It seems like a more appropriate
behavior would be to go ahead and configure the remaining peers (Peer
A + B) but only fail on the peer with an unresolvable endpoint (Peer
C). It of course is completely possible to re-implement syncconf and
setconf using explicit `wg set` calls as a workaround.

Am I missing something here?

R. Christian McDonald
E: rcmcdonald91 at gmail.com

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