[PATCH] wireguard-tools: contrib/reresolve-dns script for Windows Powershell
Max Schulze
max.schulze at online.de
Tue Nov 23 09:59:26 UTC 2021
This is a script I use on windows for dynamic DNS endpoints ("servers").
The big upside is that it supports multiple configurations and does not
need hard-coded endpoints or "ping-endpoints".
I would like to apply to get it included into wireguard-tools.
I have tested this in win7 and win10. You might add it to the task
scheduler and run this every 3 minutes or so.
Some care has to be taken as to know which user is running the script.
The encrypted dpapi-binary file can only be read by the same user that
created/saved the tunnels, i.e. \system.
To make it easy to maintain this patch, I have tried to stick it as
close to the linux version as possible. Jason, feel free to modify the
copyright header as appropriate.
I am in no way the powershell guru, this is more trial-and-error.
NB: Why the limit to 15 chars in the Interface name? Mine had more, thus
setting the arbitrary (?) limit to 18 chars.
Signed-off-by: Max Schulze <max.schulze at online.de>
contrib/reresolve-dns/reresolve-dns.ps1 | 57 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 57 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 contrib/reresolve-dns/reresolve-dns.ps1
diff --git a/contrib/reresolve-dns/reresolve-dns.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..951eb33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/reresolve-dns/reresolve-dns.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+# Copyright (C) 2021 Max Schulze. All Rights Reserved.
+# near-literal Translation of the linux version by Jason A. Donenfeld
+# to decrypt the dpapi Credentials, you have to be the same user as the
wireguard tunnel service, i.e. "nt authority\system", check with "whoami"
+# this script might be called by task scheduler as
+# powershell -NoProfile -NoLogo -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy
Bypass -Command "Get-ChildItem -File 'c:\program
Files\wireguard\data\configurations\*.dpapi' | foreach {& C:\<path to
script>\wireguard_reresolve-dns.ps1 $_.FullName}"
+# if you want to try it in cmd, remember to elevate the user, i.e. with
psexec from sysutils
+# psexec -s -i powershell -NoPr...
+Set-StrictMode -Version 3
+Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Security
+Set-Variable CONFIG_FILE -Value $args[0].ToString().Trim('"')
+$byteCrypted = ((Get-Content -LiteralPath $CONFIG_FILE -Encoding Byte
-ReadCount 0))
+$config =
+$config = [System.Text.UTF8Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($config)
+Set-Variable Interface -Option Constant -Value $(if ($CONFIG_FILE
-match '.?([a-zA-Z0-9_=+.-]{1,18})\.conf.dpapi$') { $matches[1] } else {
$null })
+function process_peer () {
+ if (-not $PEER_SECTION -or ($PUBLIC_KEY -eq $null) -or ($ENDPOINT -eq
$null)) { return }
+ if (-not ((& wg show "$INTERFACE" latest-handshakes) -replace
$PUBLIC_KEY -match ('[0-9]+'))) { return }
+ if (((Get-Date) - (New-Object -Type DateTime -ArgumentList
-le 135) { return }
+ (& wg set "$INTERFACE" peer "$PUBLIC_KEY" endpoint "$ENDPOINT")
+ reset_peer_section
+function reset_peer_section () {
+ Set-Variable PEER_SECTION -Value $null
+ Set-Variable PUBLIC_KEY -Value $null
+ Set-Variable ENDPOINT -Value $null
+Set-Variable PEER_SECTION -Value $null
+foreach ($line in
+ if ($line.Trim().length -gt 0) {
+ $stripped = $line.Trim() -ireplace '\#.*'
+ $key = $stripped -ireplace '=.*'; $key = $key.Trim()
+ $val = $stripped -ireplace '^.*?='; $val = $val.Trim()
+ if ($key -match '\[.*') { process_peer; reset_peer_section; }
+ if ($key -eq '[Peer]') { $PEER_SECTION = $true }
+ if ($PEER_SECTION) {
+ switch ($key) {
+ "PublicKey" { $PUBLIC_KEY = $val; continue; }
+ "Endpoint" { $ENDPOINT = $val; continue; }
+ }
+ }
+ }
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