[question] wireguard-windows wfp issue

enlight enlight at riseup.net
Sun Jun 12 21:34:08 UTC 2022


when enabling wireguard kill-switch, it creates aggressive wireguard 
firewall rule on windows, it creates rule on windows filtering platform 
(WFP).  The rule is to block all inbound/outbound traffic not for or 
from wireguard interface.

i want to modify current wireguard wfp rule to premit inbound/outbout 
traffic to additional interfaces,  like vmware interface. There are 
several network interfaces in my system active, like "Yggdrasil" -> 
adapter name in Network and sharing center (it uses wintun driver to 

I tried to modify "wireguard-windows/tunnel/firewall/blocker.go"  inside 
EnableFirewall( ) to add:
var adapter *driver.Adapter
var luid2 winipcfg.LUID

adapter, err = driver.OpenAdapter("Yggdrasil")  -> gives error here
luid2 = adapter.LUID()
err = permitTunInterface(session, baseObjects, 12, uint64(luid2))

the error is: ```Failed to find matching adapter name: Element not 
found. (Code 0x00000490)
Unable to enable firewall rules: Firewall error at 
Element not found.```

how can i solve the issue ?

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