IPv6 and PPPoE with MSSFIX

Marek Küthe m-k-mailling-list at mk16.de
Wed Aug 23 14:58:40 UTC 2023

On Tue, 22 Aug 2023 17:39:23 -0300
Luiz Angelo Daros de Luca <luizluca at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> We noticed an issue with clients that use PPPoE and connect to WG
> using IPv6. Both sides start to fragment the encrypted packet leading
> to a severe degradation in performance. We reduced the wireguard MTU
> from the default 1420 to 1400 and the issue was solved. However, I
> wonder if it could be fixed with MSSFIX (in my case, nftables
> equivalent).

PPPoE adds 8 bytes of overhead so that an MTU of 1432 can be used. I
also have to do this at home with my DSL line for example.
The MTU should be set on each side (on both peers) for this to work.

> The server does know that the remote address has a smaller MTU as it
> fragments the packet accordingly when any VPN peer sends some traffic.

Presumably the OS on the server does this and not WireGuard itself. I
could imagine that the server first receives an ICMP Too big message
and only then performs the fragmentation.

> The traffic inside the VPN does adjust the TCP MSS to fit into vpn
> interface MTU (1420 by default, now 1400).

Keep in mind that TCP MSSFIX only applies to TCP and other Layer 4
protocols like UDP might still have problems.

> I could dynamically add firewall rules to clamp MSS per authorized_ips
> but, theoretically, the kernel has all the info to do that
> automatically. I wonder if MSSFIX could detect the best MTU for a
> specific address through the wireguard. It should consider the
> peer-to-peer PMTU, the IP protocol wireguard is using and the normal
> wireguard headers.

As far as I know WireGuard does not do PMTU.

Marek Küthe
m.k at mk16.de
er/ihm he/him
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