How to detect the IP CAM on LAN from WG tunnel ?

Mark Lawrence mark at
Fri Jun 21 09:18:49 UTC 2024

>How do you solve this problem ?

Iterative fact checking, from the lowest levels of the network stack 
to the highest.

     - Are the devices actually connected where you think they are?
         - With the tunnel disconnected, does your phone connect to the 
     - Is your Wireguard tunnel set up properly?
         - Can your phone ping the wg0 address with the tunnel active?
         - Can your phone ping other .100 devices with the tunnel 
     - Does your eth0/wg0 machine have IP forwarding enabled?
         - sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
     - What does packet tracing show?
         - I.e. `ngrep -d wg0 .\* icmp` or the tcpdump equivalent, also 
           against eth0 for the wireguard UDP port.
     - Does the mobile App actually support remote (routed) cameras or 
       just on the local network?

Mark Lawrence

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