Wireguard address binding - how to fix?

Nico Schottelius nico.schottelius at ungleich.ch
Tue May 14 10:50:25 UTC 2024


the problem of wireguard being unable to bind to an IP address are
hunting us over and over again. Isolation via namespace is not always a
solution and I would consider it a hack in the first place.

To the wireguard authors: what needs to be done to add IP address
binding so that packets are always sent from a specific IP address?

Virtually every other network software out there has that option for a
good reason, only wireguard does not support it and thus does not work
properly on devices with multiple IP addresses.

What does it take to add IP address binding in wireguard?

Best regards,


Sustainable and modern Infrastructures by ungleich.ch
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