[ANNOUNCE] CGIT v0.9.2 Released

Jason A. Donenfeld Jason at zx2c4.com
Mon May 27 22:26:52 CEST 2013

Hi everyone,

CGit 0.9.2 has been a major cycle, containing numerous under-the-hood fixes
and code quality cleanups. Moving forward there will be shorter more rapid
release cycles. Look forward for source file grepping and authorization
helpers coming up in our next releases.

== CGit on the Web ==

We've had a few changes to our infrastructure during this release cycle, so
here are the latest links:

- homepage: http://git.zx2c4.com/cgit/about/
- git repository: http://git.zx2c4.com/cgit/
- git clone: git://git.zx2c4.com/cgit
- mailing list: cgit at lists.zx2c4.com
- mailing list subscribe: http://lists.zx2c4.com/mailman/listinfo/cgit

== ChangeLog v0.9.2 ==

51 files changed, 1885 insertions(+), 1319 deletions(-)

- update to git v1.8.3.
- expanded set of default filters to include markdown, restructuredtext, and
  man pages.
- better sample configuration file in man page.
- "readme" may now be specified multiple times, and cgit will choose the first
  one it finds.
- "readme" no longer needs a branch name. If prefixed with simply ":" it will
  use the default branch.
- "branch-sort" allowing branches to be sorted either by "age" or "name", for
- "enable-index-owner" allowing the owner column to be disabled in the index
- print submodule revision next to submodule link.
- integrate more closely with git apis, such as strbuf.
- rely on git test harness and git makefiles.
- more robust test suite.
- more rebust makefile dependency accounting.
- pager navigation is now unordered list.
- span tag wraps commit directions.

Behavior changes:
- HOME is no longer passed as an environment variable to any filter api
- "about-filter" now receives the filename being filtered as argv[1]. This may
  disrupt existing scripts, so adjust accordingly.
- gitconfig and gitattributes are no longer loaded from any system directories
  or home directories.

- CVE-2013-2117: disallow directory traversal when readme is set to filesystem

Bug fixes:
- ssdiff now correctly manages tab expansion.
- support unannotated tags in http git clone.
- lots of cleanups of global variables and memory leaks.
- do not rely on gettext/libintl.
- better C standard compliance.
- make several functions and variables static.
- improved constification.
- remove unused functions.
- fix colspan values to correct width.
- fix out-of-bounds memory accesses with virtual_root="".
- cache repo config more precisely.
- die when write fails.

== Thanks ==

A special thanks to the very active contributors John Keeping and Lukas
Fleischer who sent numerous commits for this release, as well as our other

== Downloading ==

- http://git.zx2c4.com/cgit/snapshot/cgit-0.9.2.tar.xz
  sha1: 499b2a4fcba5dba06896a379129071ddee3c1f85

- For verification, git tag v0.9.2 is signed with my public key: 0xA5DE03AE

Jason A. Donenfeld

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