Help with installing cgit

Shlomit Afgin shlomit.afgin at
Sun Dec 29 09:46:37 CET 2013


I download from  the file cgit-0.9.2.tar.xz
I follow the instruction in README:
     make get-git
     make install
     Edit Apache conf file and add
        <Directory "/var/www/htdocs/cgit/">
          AllowOverride None
          Options +ExecCGI
          Order allow,deny
          Allow from all
     I also add alias:
        Alias /cgit  /var/www/htdocs/cgit/

When I go to http://server.domain/cgit I get the following error:
    You don't have permission to access /cgit/ on this server
    And In the error_log I get:
        Directory index forbidden by Options directive: /var/www/htdocs/cgit/
I tried to add to 'Options' the +Indexes, So I get the list of the content but the cgit did not work.

Also I did not find instruction, how to set the file cgit.conf in order to change the place of cgit files location.
What I'm doing wrong?
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