Compile cGit 2.0.4

John Keeping john at
Mon Aug 11 22:24:18 CEST 2014

On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 08:56:40PM +0100, Jorge Bastos wrote:
> > Do you have a weird CGIT_VERSION defined in your environment?  The
> > string $'\r' doesn't appear in so I don't understand
> > where that error can be coming from.
> > 
> > Alternatively do you have a weird (non-POSIX) /bin/sh?  What operating
> > system are you using?
> I've always compiled cgit manually here.
> Debian, sh is the normal "shtool" package.

"shtool" isn't a shell.  /bin/sh is probably either dash or bash.  What
does "dpkg -S /bin/sh" say?

It looks like the problem is actually that the file has DOS line
endings.  I get the exact same problem you do if I run:


Have you got Git's "core.eol" config set to "crlf"?

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