[pass] [PATCH] Fix pass completion syntax and autoloading

Jason A. Donenfeld Jason at zx2c4.com
Sat Jul 26 22:10:04 CEST 2014

Just expand into an array and use that.
On Jul 26, 2014 9:47 PM, "Marc Cornellà" <marc.cornella at live.com> wrote:

> As I suspected, my fix doesn't work. I finally installed pass and set
> up a mock account based on the example in
> the home page of the project.
> I used the lastpass2pass importer and a custom lastpass.csv file,
> which I made available as a gist [1],
> in case someone wants to use it to test with.
> This is the output that I get with my currently patched completion:
>     --clip  -c  -- put it on the clipboard
>     --help     -- Output help message
>     --version  -- Output version information
>     cp        -- Copy the password
>     edit      -- Edit a password with $EDITOR
>     find      -- Find password files or directories based on pattern
>     generate  -- Generate a new password using pwgen
>     git       -- Call git on the password store
>     grep      -- Search inside decrypted password files for matching
> pattern
>     help      -- Output help message
>     init      -- Initialize new password storage
>     insert    -- Insert a new password
>     ls        -- List passwords
>     mv        -- Rename the password
>     rm        -- Remove the password
>     show      -- Decrypt and print a password
>     version   -- Output version information
>     Business/another-business-site.net\nBusiness/
> some-silly-business-site.com\nEmail/donenfeld.com\nEmail/zx2c4.com
> \nFrance/bank\nFrance/freebox\nFrance/mobilephone
> Notice that passwords are then separated by the literal `\n`, since
> now zsh interprets the text inside quotes as the
> same parameter so it doesn't separate them anymore and _values
> receives it and displays it as one same entry.
> I'm working on an alternative syntax that doesn't trigger this
> behavior while at the same time fixing the other errors
> that appear with the current completion.
> Cheers
> [1] https://gist.github.com/mcornella/9ad312530ddec1a6eaca
> --
> Marc
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