[pass] Support multiple git repositories

Alfredo Palhares masterkorp at masterkorp.net
Mon Apr 6 16:36:47 CEST 2015

Hello Grégoire,

> I'm not sure that's exactly what you want but pass already have
> multiple repository support using the environment variable
> PASSWORD_STORE_DIR. You can create an alias pass-mycompany to use pass
> with your company repository and use the default for your personal
> password (or vice versa).

This really seems a viable option, I've been doing a few tests and few questions
come to mind:

- When re-encrypting keys, with pass init <key1> <key1> <key>, is it possible to
  specify only a subdirectory?

This would make sense on a team where everyone should not have the same access

- Is the root key private key to encrypt new subdirectories ?

Thank you for the help so far!

Alfredo Palhares
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