[pass] [PATCH] Applescript for easy invocation of 'pass'

Steffen Vogel post at steffenvogel.de
Thu Apr 23 21:00:48 CEST 2015

Hello everybody!

I’ve wrote a AppleScript to run pass on OS X:

1. It will open a dialog and prompt you for the password.
2. It will copy the password to your clipboard
3. And count down from 45s by showing you a notification
4. There’s a button in the notification which allows you to „forget“ the password immediately
5. The notification will be closed automatically in case the content of you clipboard changes.

Some parts of the script require an Application called "Notification Scripting“.
This is necessary because AppleScript has rather limited possibilities to handle notifications.
This dependency app is required to enhance AppleScript by this features.


   1. Copy this script to /Library/Scripts/pass.applescript

   2. Use the Automator to create a service which starts the following AppleScript:

        on run {input, parameters}
	      run script POSIX file "/Library/Scripts/pass.applescript"
        end run

   3. Install the application 'Notifications Scripting' from:

   4. Go to 'System Settings' -> 'Keyboard' to create a short cut for the service
       you created before
   5. Go to 'System settings' -> 'Notifications' -> choose 'Notifications Scripting' 
       -> and switch from 'Banners' to ‚Alerts'

Thanks :-)

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