[pass] totp enhancement

Lenz Weber mail at lenzw.de
Wed Aug 5 15:33:24 CEST 2015

this looks like a great idea!

On the code itself: it looks fine to me, but I would replace the
backticks with $(), as that style is used everywhere else in pass.

But at the moment, I think there are some concerns that may keep it from
getting integrated (but this is just guesswork, I'm not the maintainer)
 * it introduces a new dependency: oathtool
 * it introduces a new file name convention which impacts other commands
 * it moves a bit away from the "only one functionality" thing pass does

My thought on this is (and yes, I'm conquering your thread a bit with
this, sorry):
This might be a perfect example for a used-defined command hook.
We have been discussing this idea a few days ago (take a look at the

The gist of it is: you create a script with contents like

    OTP_OPTS=( $PASSWORD_STORE_OTP_OPTS "--base32" "-w 3" "--totp" )
    $OTP "${OTP_OPTS[@]}" $(cmd_show "$@" | head -n1)

save it as '~/.password-store/.subcommand_hooks/otp', make it executable
and sign it and it would be available as
    pass otp <password-name>

If you like the idea and want to do some testing, I'm desperately
waiting for feedback ;)


Am 05.08.2015 um 13:50 schrieb admin:
> Hello,
> I'm apologize for my poor english and my bad code... But I tried to
> add a functionality to allow password-store to generate a time otp.
> It's very useful for websites requesting a 2FA totp like google or
> github. See my fork of the master github password-store :
> https://github.com/Gambiit/password-store
> Thanks a lot for password-store, Best regards :)
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