[pass] "No public key" - help?

Matthias Beyer mail at beyermatthias.de
Sat Mar 14 14:54:56 CET 2015

On 14-03-2015 14:39:31, René Neumann wrote:
> Yes, but bash's '-x' flag is probably not passed onwards to the wrapped
> script. Therefore no debug output is given.

Hey, you're right!

I have output now: Call was "insert test" and password was "test" as well:

    + export PATH=/nix/store/ywz91g42p1fir3davm11k5affj64s7ar-coreutils-8.23/bin:/nix/store/wb5aj7k6237p0izlflfj3kvd69a18rcy-gnused-4.2.2/bin:/nix/store/zfr75gwya5cqfk531djpbhs0gnn41n5a-getopt-1.1.4/bin:/nix/store/bmn93al17l6ysbagg5jc6bm44xr83ylg-gnupg1compat-0/bin:/nix/store/4mhm1cl2mx8x30xi7wazzyla7g86crb8-git-2.3.0/bin:/nix/store/g75lq2kmfwx5sdqni6khv04kdklh3kq9-tree-1.7.0/bin:/nix/store/4kaxf8sf2c9k1v87bkwm52869wg25f60-pwgen-2.07/bin:/nix/store/d7b58pgi42n3wi24f93w98y114cgwhhf-xclip-0.12-svn-20140209/bin:/home/m/bin:/var/setuid-wrappers:/home/m/.nix-profile/bin:/home/m/.nix-profile/sbin:/home/m/.nix-profile/lib/kde4/libexec:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/bin:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/sbin:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/lib/kde4/libexec:/run/current-system/sw/bin:/run/current-system/sw/sbin:/run/current-system/sw/lib/kde4/libexec:/home/m/archive/bin
    + PATH=/nix/store/ywz91g42p1fir3davm11k5affj64s7ar-coreutils-8.23/bin:/nix/store/wb5aj7k6237p0izlflfj3kvd69a18rcy-gnused-4.2.2/bin:/nix/store/zfr75gwya5cqfk531djpbhs0gnn41n5a-getopt-1.1.4/bin:/nix/store/bmn93al17l6ysbagg5jc6bm44xr83ylg-gnupg1compat-0/bin:/nix/store/4mhm1cl2mx8x30xi7wazzyla7g86crb8-git-2.3.0/bin:/nix/store/g75lq2kmfwx5sdqni6khv04kdklh3kq9-tree-1.7.0/bin:/nix/store/4kaxf8sf2c9k1v87bkwm52869wg25f60-pwgen-2.07/bin:/nix/store/d7b58pgi42n3wi24f93w98y114cgwhhf-xclip-0.12-svn-20140209/bin:/home/m/bin:/var/setuid-wrappers:/home/m/.nix-profile/bin:/home/m/.nix-profile/sbin:/home/m/.nix-profile/lib/kde4/libexec:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/bin:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/sbin:/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/lib/kde4/libexec:/run/current-system/sw/bin:/run/current-system/sw/sbin:/run/current-system/sw/lib/kde4/libexec:/home/m/archive/bin
    + bash -x /nix/store/32mnf5asp3as12p8bblhy015hrf4r965-password-store-1.6.5/bin/.pass-wrapped insert test
    + umask 077
    + set -o pipefail
    + GPG_OPTS=("--quiet" "--yes" "--compress-algo=none" "--no-encrypt-to")
    + GPG=gpg
    ++ tty
    + export GPG_TTY=/dev/pts/4
    + GPG_TTY=/dev/pts/4
    + which gpg2
    + GPG=gpg2
    + [[ -n '' ]]
    + [[ gpg2 == \g\p\g\2 ]]
    + GPG_OPTS+=("--batch" "--use-agent")
    + PREFIX=/home/m/.password-store
    + X_SELECTION=clipboard
    + CLIP_TIME=45
    + export GIT_DIR=/home/m/.password-store/.git
    + GIT_DIR=/home/m/.password-store/.git
    + export GIT_WORK_TREE=/home/m/.password-store
    + GIT_WORK_TREE=/home/m/.password-store
    + GETOPT=getopt
    + SHRED='shred -f -z'
    + PROGRAM=.pass-wrapped
    + COMMAND=insert
    + case "" in
    + shift
    + cmd_insert test
    + local opts multiline=0 noecho=1 force=0
    ++ getopt -o mef -l multiline,echo,force -n .pass-wrapped -- test
    + opts=' -- '\''test'\'''
    + local err=0
    + eval set -- ' -- '\''test'\'''
    ++ set -- -- test
    + true
    + case  in
    + shift
    + break
    + [[ 0 -ne 0 ]]
    + [[ 0 -eq 1 ]]
    + [[ 1 -ne 1 ]]
    + local path=test
    + local passfile=/home/m/.password-store/test.gpg
    + check_sneaky_paths test
    + local path
    + for path in '""'
    + [[ test =~ /\.\.$ ]]
    + [[ test =~ ^\.\./ ]]
    + [[ test =~ /\.\./ ]]
    + [[ test =~ ^\.\.$ ]]
    + [[ 0 -eq 0 ]]
    + [[ -e /home/m/.password-store/test.gpg ]]
    ++ dirname test
    + mkdir -p -v /home/m/.password-store/.
    ++ dirname test
    + set_gpg_recipients .
    + [[ -n '' ]]
    + local current=/home/m/.password-store/.
    + [[ /home/m/.password-store/. != \/\h\o\m\e\/\m\/\.\p\a\s\s\w\o\r\d\-\s\t\o\r\e ]]
    + [[ ! -f /home/m/.password-store/./.gpg-id ]]
    + current=/home/m/.password-store/./.gpg-id
    + [[ ! -f /home/m/.password-store/./.gpg-id ]]
    + local gpg_id
    + read -r gpg_id
    + GPG_RECIPIENT_ARGS+=("-r" "")
    + GPG_RECIPIENTS+=("")
    + read -r gpg_id
    + [[ 0 -eq 1 ]]
    + [[ 1 -eq 1 ]]
    + local password password_again
    + true
    + read -r -p 'Enter password for test: ' -s password
    Enter password for test: + echo
    + read -r -p 'Retype password for test: ' -s password_again
    Retype password for test: + echo
    + [[ test == \t\e\s\t ]]
    + gpg2 -e -r 20CA0F94 -o /home/m/.password-store/test.gpg --quiet --yes --compress-algo=none --no-encrypt-to --batch --use-agent
    gpg: 20CA0F94: übersprungen: Kein öffentlicher Schlüssel
    gpg: [stdin]: encryption failed: Kein öffentlicher Schlüssel
    + break
    + git_add_file /home/m/.password-store/test.gpg 'Add given password for test to store.'
    + [[ -d /home/m/.password-store/.git ]]
    + return
    + exit 0

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Kind regards,
Matthias Beyer

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Happily signed with gnupg.
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