Backing up pass

Brian Candler b.candler at
Sun Dec 4 22:57:42 CET 2016

On 04/12/2016 21:26, Jacob MacDonald wrote:
> The repository is not stored as bare; That way I can access the files 
> in the repository directly from Drive

Warning: doing "git push" to a non-bare repository is generally not 
recommended, although you can do it with a post-update hook, or you can 
use a feature introduced in git 2.3 called "push to deploy":

To use this, you have to set config "receive.denyCurrentBranch = 
updateInstead" on the server copy of the repository.

Otherwise: normally what happens is pushing to the repo updates the 
objects in the repo but *not* the checked-out working copy, which can 
get your repo into a very confusing state.  See:

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