Displaying passwords as QR codes

Corey Moncure corey at myrnix.com
Thu Dec 22 06:06:33 CET 2016

My reason for going with the graphical display was that I suspected
gimmick terminal color settings in a graphical desktop, such as odd
fonts or transparency, could interfere with the legibility of the
output.  I had only looked at the -t ascii mode, not -t ansi, which is

The only benefits of the PNG approach are that the output ought to look
the same regardless of the environment, and the display window is
cleared very conveniently by pressing <Esc>.  The drawbacks are that it
only works in a graphical windowing environment and the additional
dependency on ImageMagick.

With -t ansi, it is possible, but very unlikely, that terminal color
settings would result in an unreadable output.  The whole screen must
be cleared if you want the output to go away.  On the other hand, no
dependency and it works in plain old ttys.

I agree with that -t ansi is the better way.


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