[pass] Feature request – combined insert/generate/edit for new entries

Kenny Evitt kenny.evitt at gmail.com
Fri Jul 15 21:49:26 CEST 2016

I often want to add an entry but also generate a new random password and
add additional info ('edit') and, given that I'm tracking the history of my
entries with Git, it'd be nice (or nicest) to do all of that as a single
commit. Besides the Git history, it'd also be nice to do all of that as a
single `pass ...` command too.

The closest I can come to this is to run `pass edit ...`. In my editor
(Vim) I can insert the output of running `pwgen` easily enough (by running
the Vim command `:r !pwgen -s -y 32` or similar), but it'd be nice for
`pass edit ...` to insert a password for me (if no existing entry matches
the path I provide) or for another command to do so instead of `edit`.
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