[pass] LastPass import: some Notes break import...

Eric HAMON ehamon at free.fr
Mon Jul 11 12:14:06 CEST 2016

Hi all,
I met a tiny issue when I imported my big 'lastpass.csv' using
I do not use Lastpass only to store passwords. Many of entries have a block
of lines in the Notes area. Few of them have lines beginning with 'http'.
Those lines break the script 'lastpass2pass.rb' during the import.
I solve the issue with an updated regex.
At line 79:
  ==> if line =~ /^(http|ftp|ssh)/
  ==> if line =~ /^(http|ftp|ssh).*,.*,/

Usually, it's rare to have two commas (',') after an URL at the beginning
of the lines, in the 'notes area'.

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