[pass] Provide symbol set as command line argument

Henrik Christian Grove passwordstore at 3001.dk
Fri Nov 11 10:26:49 CET 2016

Den 10-11-2016 kl. 16:14 skrev Kevin Cox:
> On Nov 10, 2016 14:43, "Kenny Evitt" <kenny.evitt at gmail.com
> <mailto:kenny.evitt at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     I then edited "test.txt", inserted a newline between the `4` and
>     `5`, and saved the file. I reran the same command as before:
> Head be default takes 10 lines. So you'll need a couple more newlines.

By default, yes, but he explicit specifies '-c 10' overriding the
default, and tr will have removed the newlines before head gets them.
Can you actually demonstrate the bug you claim to be there? (I'm not
sure no kind of nastiness can hide in those pipes)


PS. The lack of a way to choose passwords without/with only certain
characters is one of the reasons I still haven't switched to pass (using
pwsafe), even though I like the project.

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