[pass] Provide symbol set as command line argument

Kevin Cox kevincox at kevincox.ca
Fri Nov 11 10:41:58 CET 2016

On 11/11/16 09:26, Henrik Christian Grove wrote:
> Den 10-11-2016 kl. 16:14 skrev Kevin Cox:
>> On Nov 10, 2016 14:43, "Kenny Evitt" <kenny.evitt at gmail.com
>> <mailto:kenny.evitt at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>      I then edited "test.txt", inserted a newline between the `4` and
>>      `5`, and saved the file. I reran the same command as before:
>> Head be default takes 10 lines. So you'll need a couple more newlines.
> By default, yes, but he explicit specifies '-c 10' overriding the
> default, and tr will have removed the newlines before head gets them.
> Can you actually demonstrate the bug you claim to be there? (I'm not
> sure no kind of nastiness can hide in those pipes)
> .Henrik
> PS. The lack of a way to choose passwords without/with only certain
> characters is one of the reasons I still haven't switched to pass (using
> pwsafe), even though I like the project.
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I'm talking about the first head, not the second. This command gives you 
12345 when you expected 12345678.

echo '12345

67890' | head | tr -dc '0-9 | head -c 8 && echo

A fixed command looks like this (drop the unnecessary head)

tr -dc 'A-Za-z0-9!"#$%&'\''()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~' </dev/random | 
head -c 32 && echo

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