Password Mapping

Johannes Marbach johannesmarbach at
Sun Feb 12 21:40:04 CET 2017

Hi everyone,

I couldn't find anything about this in the list archives so if this has
been brought up before, I sincerely apologize.

I really like pass's simplicity but one thing that worries me is that the
file and folder structure is kept in plain text. To illustrate what I mean
consider the following password store

$ pass
Password Store
├── cards
│   ├── amex
│   └── visa
├── mail
│   └── gmail
└── sites

which is translated 1:1 to files and folders

$ tree .password-store/
├── cards
│   ├── amex.gpg
│   └── visa.gpg
├── mail
│   └── gmail.gpg
└── sites

I think this potentially increases the surface for an attacker. Even though
the files are still securely encrypted, I wouldn't even want someone to
know that I have e.g. a Visa credit card or a gmail account.

What I've seen people do to avoid this is a combination of random IDs and a
mapping in a separate encrypted file.

$ pass generate -c $(pwgen 8 1) 20
Copied aidei2OY to clipboard. Will clear in 45 seconds
$ pass insert mapping --multiline # or "pass edit mapping" for further
# Add "aidei2OY: gmail" or something similar

This is pretty clever and hides any information beyond the number of
folders and files inside them from an attacker. However, it makes any
further access to the passwords more cumbersome as the mapping has to
reversed (e.g. using "pass grep") to find the correct file.

My question is whether it wouldn't make sense to build this into pass
itself? Upon password insertion, the mapping could be created and then all
further commands could automatically resolve the IDs. Keeping with the
above example this would mean that I could, for instance, use "pass gmail"
instead of "pass aidei2OY".

I'd really like to hear people's thoughts on this.

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