pass-otp: A pass extension for managing one-time-password tokens

Gambiit admin at
Wed Feb 15 08:53:48 CET 2017

Hello tad,

I've had the same idea some time ago but only to totp 2FA. Take a look
on my own improvements
So, my first feedback is the same as those I had for my contribution :
- keep the code as simple as possible.
- 2FA on the same device is not 2FA.
But I find very interesting your implementation of a hotp 2FA. So, thanks :)


Do you know about this kickstarter : ? I
saw it at the last fosdem show of brussel. It's a very nice solution to
all our question about ID management.

Le 15/02/2017 à 01:49, Tad a écrit :
> Hello all,
> I got tired of loading up Chrome and Authy on my desktop whenever I
> needed to generate a 2FA code, so I wrote a pass extension:
> Let me know what you think! I'm certainly willing to make changes and
> improvements, so any feedback would be appreciated.
> Tad Fisher
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