[Pull request] Shortcut feature

David A. listmail at cox.net
Mon Mar 27 01:34:06 CEST 2017

On Mon, 27 Mar 2017 00:51:22 +0200, Ondrej Vaško
<ondrej.vaskoo at gmail.com> wrote:

>This commit introduces shortcut argument *-s* or *--shortcut* to *pass show
>*command with which you can reference password not by full path, but by
>number, which reference the specific gpg file in your password storage

>After few days of thinking about an easy solution I decided to use an
>*inode* as a reference shortcut

If you're going to implement a shortcut option, it should really be
something that makes referring to any entry easy and intuitive.
Something like nicknames that are shorter and easy to remember. inodes
are hardly that.

Since this idea seems to be targeted for interactive usage, what I do
is send the list of entries to an interactive search tool like dmenu,
rofi (what I use), or fzf.  These types of tools will show a list and
filter it as you type for quick and easy selection.  They work great
for this kind of thing.

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