Quick tip: sudo password in a screen session

Manuel Strehl boldewyn at gmail.com
Fri Jun 29 11:06:17 CEST 2018


I’m working quite a lot in a XTerm + screen set-up. Last year I
announced an extension to the list [1] to put passwords in screen’s
paste buffer.

This time I’d like to share another thing, that I use with success
now: seemlessly getting the sudo password from the password store.

For this trick you need to have this line in your ~/.screenrc file:

    bind P eval "exec .!. pass sudo/password"

If you then encounter a sudo password prompt in any screen window, you
can simply hit

    Ctrl-A P

and you’re authenticated.

Note, that this may or may not be a good idea given your set-up and
security requirements, but in my specific case it’s a huge time safer.


[1] https://lists.zx2c4.com/pipermail/password-store/2017-May/002944.html

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