curious: why use own hosting rather than github?

Ismael Bouya ismael at
Fri May 22 18:52:41 CEST 2020

For what it’s worth opensmtpd has this kind of process. You can propose
PR/issues on their github mirror, but PRs never get "merged" per github
naming, they take the commit and publish it on their repo (which is CVS
in openbsd or something like that). Main difference is that (I think)
the maintainers of opensmtpd are actively following the github
But if someone wishes to follow the mailing list and take care of
keeping it in sync with the gihtub mirror, that someone doesn’t
necessarily need to be a maintainer to poke now and then about unmerged
works (it can even be done collaboratively by more than one "someone")
or follow the status.

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