Add feature to delete password from clipmenu (clipboard manager)

Prajwal S N prajwalnadig21 at
Tue Jul 9 09:26:33 UTC 2024


Apologies for the delayed reply. I understand your point about why it
is the wrong approach to be sending the data through the clipboard in
the first place, but that *is* how pass works at the moment. Unlike
rofi-pass, pass is invoked in the terminal, which means there's no
easy way to automatically have an active output element to write the
data into using wtype/xdotool. This is simply my attempt to solve the
existing problem of having passwords stored in the clipboard manager's
history. I feel this is reasonable, considering how it is a single
line addition that makes the situation better for a sizeable number of
users. I ask again, would a patch be accepted? :)


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