Using pass in command substitution

password-store at password-store at
Sun Jul 21 15:19:50 UTC 2024


I think I need some rubberduck debugging from you folks.

I use pass like this:

  $ token=$( pass logins/website | head -n1 )

This works fine: as expected, in $token there is the password. However when using the --clip flag:

  $ token=$( pass logins/website --clip=1 )

the resulting variable $token contains the text "Copied xxx to clipboard. Will clear in NNN 
seconds." instead of the password.

My $copy_cmd in the pass script is set to "wl-copy" (I use Wayland/Sway). Running something like 
this produces the same result:

  $ TEST=$( echo -n heyhey | wl-copy ) && echo $TEST
  $ <empty line>


  $ TEST=$( echo -n heyhey | wl-copy | wl-paste ) && echo $TEST
  $ heyhey

I am not sure of what am I looking at. Is this is the expected behaviour?

Any ideas/suggestion?


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