Resolve .gpg-id files must end in a newline to be recognized

Reto reto at
Sat Jun 1 12:11:34 UTC 2024

On Thu, May 30, 2024 at 12:12:40PM GMT, Richard Sent wrote:
> To create subdirectories in .password-store that are encrypted
> using a different gpg key, the user needs to create a .gpg-id file in
> that subdirectory.

No they are supposed to use the corresponding `pass init` command.
That this happens to be a file on disc in the store is an implementation detail.

> init [ --path=sub-folder, -p sub-folder ] gpg-id...
> [...]
> --path or -p is specified, along with an argument, a specific gpg-id or set of gpg-ids
> is assigned for that specific sub folder of the password store. If only one gpg-id is given,
> and it is an empty string, then the current .gpg-id file for
> [...]

If you mess with implementation details it's on you to do it correctly ;)

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