Add feature to delete password from clipmenu (clipboard manager)

Prajwal S N prajwalnadig21 at
Sun Jun 23 09:33:33 UTC 2024

Hi everyone,

I've been using pass for a while now, and also use clipmenu, a
clipboard manager that integrates with dmenu. I know quite a few
people with the same setup, and strongly suspect that there are a lot
more out there that I do not know. I recently discovered that when
pass copies the password to the clipboard, it is written into
clipmenu's history, and persists there. This is understandably a
security concern, since clipmenu stores the history file in plaintext
in the ~/.cache directory. The fix for this is quite straightforward -
we already have support for removing clipboard entries from Klipper on
KDE[1], and we would have to add a line below that to do the same for

clipdel -d "$(echo -n "$1")"

Would a patch for this be accepted? Or would you have any other ideas
for how we can mitigate this issue?

Thanks and regards,


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