Add feature to delete password from clipmenu (clipboard manager)

Matěj Cepl mcepl at
Mon Jun 24 11:31:06 UTC 2024

On Sun Jun 23, 2024 at 11:33 AM CEST, Prajwal S N wrote:
> I recently discovered that when pass copies the password to the
> clipboard, it is written into clipmenu’s history, and persists
> there.

I think this is completely wrong approach from the beginning
and it doesn’t make sense to me to work around a bad
design. Credentials should never get anywhere close to clipboard
in the first place. Use something like wtype and input that
password directly from the password filling application. See what
we do in,
that sounds like much better design to me (and yes, there is also
a clipboard opportunity, but I just don’t use it at all).

And yes, there is no way around clipboard for the output of `pass
generate -c`, but that’s just unfortunate and something else than
day-to-day filling of prompts on various web pages.



--, @mcepl at
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         3rd Century

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