A one-liner GPG passphrase prompt?

Tobias Girstmair t-passwd at girst.at
Sat Mar 2 17:29:32 UTC 2024

adding the following setting to ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf will more or 
less do what you want (it'll occupy a few lines, showing some details of 
your key):

	pinentry-program /usr/bin/pinentry-tty

however, this breaks any use cases where you don't have a tty, e.g. 
passmenu. some time ago, i attempted to write a small shell script 
querying $DISPLAY to switch between the tty and gtk pinentry programs on 
the fly, but that did not work (the environment variable was always 
unset). maybe someone else has a solution to that (i'm fairly sure it 
should be possible - pinentry-gtk-2 falls back to its own curses based 
TUI when needed).


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