Installation instructions for Debian

Daniel Kahn Gillmor dkg at
Sun May 14 14:52:12 CEST 2017

On Sun 2017-05-14 10:44:56 +0200, Baptiste Jonglez wrote:
> Note that the previous installation instructions (basically, just "sudo
> apt install wireguard-tools wireguard-dkms") were valid for Debian sid.
> The new installation instructions are only valid for Debian jessie and
> Debian stretch (admittedly, probably the largest fraction of Debian
> users).  But I still think you should reflect this in the instructions.
> Debian wheezy is not supported (with its old 3.2 kernel), although it
> could be possible to use wireguard with the wheezy-backports kernel
> (3.16).  I don't think it's worth mentioning it anyway, Wheezy is
> old-stable and will soon be old-old-stable.

As the debian maintainer for wireguard, I agree with Baptiste on all
these points, and on his earlier recommendations.  Thanks, Baptiste, for
the clear and concise documentation.

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