roaming and ddns dynamic ip

d tbsky tbskyd at
Wed Nov 22 17:00:51 CET 2017

2017-11-22 23:49 GMT+08:00 Lonnie Abelbeck <lists at>:
> On Nov 22, 2017, at 6:51 AM, d tbsky <tbskyd at> wrote:
>> 2017-11-22 19:59 GMT+08:00 Jason A. Donenfeld <Jason at>:
>>> Hello,
>>> This is not a bug. DNS resolution is not done by the WireGuard module,
>>> but rather by the configuration tool. If you want to update an IP,
>>> you'll need to devise a mechanism for this. One popular one is this
>>> example script:
>>> ,
>>> but many other possibilities exist too.
>>> Jason
>> I don't think it's a bug. as you said, that's by design.although it
>> means I need other tool to co-maintain the vpn connection.
> Jason, question, if each endpoint had PersistentKeepalive enabled, does that update the endpoint addresses via your roaming code ?  Or does actual tunnel data traffic need to occur to update roaming endpoints ?
> If PersistentKeepalive updates roaming endpoints, then it would seem to be a very rare situation when both endpoints had an address change within the PersistentKeepalive window.
> Lonnie

when client is behind firewall via nat to internet, and server has
dynamic ip, I don't think keepalive will help. since the changed
server can not connect to client, it needs client to initial the
connection. under openvpn, keepalive can detect broken link and try to
restart itself, then client can reconnect to server automatically.

but if both site has public ip, maybe wireguard keepalive can do the work?


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