iOS WG Battery Life

kolargol kolargol at
Sun Mar 3 16:30:09 CET 2019

> what about uninstalling all vpns and try over night?

i will test that as well.

Meanwhile wile plumbing over iOS I have found possible reason of thos. Seems like Wireguard suffers from thread management problems:

Event:           wakeups
Action taken:    none
Wakeups:         45001 wakeups over the last 61 seconds (743 wakeups per second average), exceeding limit of 150 wakeups per second over 300 seconds
Wakeups limit:   45000
Limit duration:  300s
Wakeups caused:  45001
Duration:        30.33s
Steps:           2

quite a lot? bad for battery - there are multiple crashes due to this limit on my iOS. I can send full crash log to developers (just ping me).

Other then that i installde debug profiles for VPN and Networking on iOS, will try to dig tomorrow after another night test.


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