How to verify a wireguard public key?

Matthias May matthias.may at
Sat Dec 26 00:37:49 CET 2020

On 25/12/2020 10:10, Nico Schottelius wrote:
> Good morning Adam and Jason,
> thanks for your qualified and fast answers! It's nice to see Dan's
> website still referenced in almost 2021 and also that it can be easily
> enough verified.
> For reference and if anyone ever looks up this thread, I am using
> the following code within the Django Rest Framework [0]:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>     def validate_wireguard_public_key(self, value):
>         msg = _("Supplied key is not a valid wireguard public key")
>         """
>         Verify wireguard key.
>         See;!!I9LPvj3b!XDmxiY_v3yY5wQI9GfFvshrCIUcqg4vvKg35qvL0fFajgNHTwr3LcySSqHrNgCByOzQ$ 
>         """
>         try:
>             decoded_key = base64.standard_b64decode(value)
>         except Exception as e:
>             raise serializers.ValidationError(msg)
>         if not len(decoded_key) == 32:
>             raise serializers.ValidationError(msg)
>         return value
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thanks again and enjoy the quite time over Christmas!
> Best regards,
> Nico
> [0]*L37__;Iw!!I9LPvj3b!XDmxiY_v3yY5wQI9GfFvshrCIUcqg4vvKg35qvL0fFajgNHTwr3LcySSqHrNb-aKgNg$ 
> Adam Stiles <ajstiles at> writes:
>> Hi Nico,
>> WireGuard uses Curve25519 keys. A Curve25519 secret key is a random 32
>> byte value with a few special bits flipped, and a public key is
>> calculated from a secret key.
>> There's some good info here (;!!I9LPvj3b!XDmxiY_v3yY5wQI9GfFvshrCIUcqg4vvKg35qvL0fFajgNHTwr3LcySSqHrNDoxdskk$ ), including
>> this questions and answer:
>> "How do I validate Curve25519 public keys?"
>> "Don't. The Curve25519 function was carefully designed to allow all
>> 32-byte strings as Diffie-Hellman public keys."
>> I just saw Jason's response, and so this is a bit redundant, but the
>> reference above is a good one.
>> Best,
>> Adam
>> On Thu, Dec 24, 2020 at 3:21 PM Nico Schottelius
>> <nico.schottelius at> wrote:
>>> Good morning,
>>> I am currently extending uncloud [0] to support wireguard tunnels and
>>> keys. At the moment it is not entirely clear how to verify that a
>>> certain string is a valid wireguard key.
>>> I first tried checking that it is valid base64, but not all base64
>>> strings are valid wireguard keys.
>>> Then I tried using `echo $key | wg pubkey && echo ok` - which seems to
>>> check the key format, however the intended behaviour here is misused.
>>> Does anyone have a pointer on how to reliably identify wireguard public
>>> keys?
>>> Is the wireguard key always 32 bytes when decoded from base64? Tests
>>> with a number of public keys seems to indicate that.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Nico
>>> [0];!!I9LPvj3b!XDmxiY_v3yY5wQI9GfFvshrCIUcqg4vvKg35qvL0fFajgNHTwr3LcySSqHrNE6JpRjQ$ 
>>> --
>>> Modern, affordable, Swiss Virtual Machines. Visit;!!I9LPvj3b!XDmxiY_v3yY5wQI9GfFvshrCIUcqg4vvKg35qvL0fFajgNHTwr3LcySSqHrNmbUvisY$ 
> --
> Modern, affordable, Swiss Virtual Machines. Visit;!!I9LPvj3b!XDmxiY_v3yY5wQI9GfFvshrCIUcqg4vvKg35qvL0fFajgNHTwr3LcySSqHrNmbUvisY$ 

On this topic, i recently implemented a check if a key is valid in cpp with the following rather crude code:

bool isValidWgKey(const string& usage, const string& key)
	/* Wireguard keys are BASE64 encoded */
	unsigned int _key_length = 44;
	unsigned int _key_offset = _key_length -1;
	if (key.length() != _key_length) {
		log("Wireguard " + usage + " has wrong length (" + to_string(key.length()) + " instead of 44)!");
		return false;
	size_t found = key.substr(0,_key_offset).find_first_not_of("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
	if (found != std::string::npos) {
		log("Wireguard " + usage + " contains invalid character '" + key.substr(found, 1) + "'");
		return false;
	if (key.substr(_key_offset,1) != "=") {
		log("Wireguard " + usage + " ends with invalid character '" +
		    key.substr(found, 1) + "' instead of '='");
		return false;
	return true;

Maybe it's useful to someone.


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