Mini PCIE HW accelerator for ChaCha20

Germano Massullo germano.massullo at
Mon Jun 17 09:21:15 UTC 2024

Il 16/06/24 21:00, Max Schulze ha scritto:
> Ok then I think you really max out the cpu. I have not heard of any acceleration card. Overall I think it's not too bad.

The problem is that is far under my internet connection capabilities (1 
Gbit/s upload)

> Are you running iperf3 with --bidir?

Such flag halves the throughput, I am getting ~280 Mbit/s compared to 
the previous value I got by using
iperf3 -c -P 4 -Z bbr
(using the Ryzen as client)
> Keep in mind that iperf3 itself uses some cpu.
> You could test serving a static file and transfer via http.

The iperf3 CPU usage is not so high, it wouldn't change much to use the 
http transfer

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