[pass] Getting Started

Sajan Parikh sajan at parikh.io
Sat Dec 20 16:36:08 CET 2014

Longtime LastPass user and want to migrate to passwordstore, however I'm 
not too familiar with GPG and am not entirely sure how I set my GPG ID?

I have a GPG keypair in my keyring that I created nearly a year ago, and 
while I've never really used it, I keep restoring it on my computers.

➜  ~  gpg --list-keys
pub   4096R/2A340B56 2014-03-02
uid                  Sajan Parikh <sajan at parikh.io>
sub   4096R/86006383 2014-03-02

➜  ~  gpg --list-secret-keys
sec   4096R/2A340B56 2014-03-02
uid                  Sajan Parikh <sajan at parikh.io>
ssb   4096R/86006383 2014-03-02

No matter what I seem to put in the gpg-id argument when running pass 
init, I get the following message when I enter something into the 
password store.

gpg: 86006383: There is no assurance this key belongs to the named user
gpg: [stdin]: encryption failed: Unusable public key

Am I doing something wrong?


Sajan Parikh

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