Backing up pass

Brian Minton brian at
Sun Dec 4 22:00:32 CET 2016

On Sun, Dec 04, 2016 at 07:05:41PM +0000, Brian Candler wrote:
> Or you can use the git version control system, which password-store
> supports natively. In that case, you would still want a central machine
> with a "bare" repository that the other two machines pull and push to;
> that could be any server with an ssh account.

I do this without a "master" repo.  I created the repo on my desktop, with
"pass git init".  I then cloned it to my laptop with "pass git clone
user at desktop:.password-store" (my desktop is running an ssh server).  I can do
"pass git pull" every time I update the repo on the desktop.  If i update the
repo on the laptop, it's a bit more complex.  I do "pass git bundle create
~/gitbundle --all" on the laptop, rsync that file to the desktop, and then do "pass
git pull ~/gitbundle" on the desktop.

Brian Minton
brian at minton dot name
Live long, and prosper longer!
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