passmenu does not follow symlinks

Alex Wicks alex.wicks1 at
Wed Sep 9 11:47:20 CEST 2020

First time posting so hope this is the right place/format.

It seems that passmenu is unable to follow symlinks in the password
store directory.
This is seemingly due to globstar not following symlinks.

alex at desktop::~» tree .password-store
├── test1.gpg
├── testdir
│   ├── test2.gpg
│   └── test3.gpg
└── testsymlink -> ../test

2 directories, 3 files
alex at desktop::~» readlink .password-store/testsymlink
alex at desktop::~» ls -la .password-store/testsymlink/
total 8
drwxr-xr-x  2 alex alex   23 Sep  8 08:31 .
drwx------ 49 alex alex 4096 Sep  8 08:33 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 alex alex    0 Sep  8 08:31 test4.gpg
alex at desktop::~» bash -x passmenu
+ shopt -s nullglob globstar
+ typeit=0
+ [[ '' == \-\-\t\y\p\e ]]
+ prefix=/home/alex/.password-store
+ password_files=("$prefix"/**/*.gpg)
+ password_files=("${password_files[@]#"$prefix"/}")
+ password_files=("${password_files[@]%.gpg}")
++ printf '%s\n' test1 testdir/test2 testdir/test3
++ dmenu
+ password=
+ [[ -n '' ]]
+ exit
alex at desktop::~»

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