Symlinks, again

Conrad Hughes org_password_store at
Wed May 29 11:02:44 UTC 2024

I can see that over the years many requests and contributions for better
symbolic link handling seem to have been made, but symlinks are still a
source of breakage today (v1.7.4 on Debian).  Based on a cursory read,
past contributions (e.g. February/March 2022) have tried to fix more
than just the below bug, but as far as I can see have never been
acknowledged, let alone accepted.  Was the reasoning ever explained

Personally I'd be happy to just add symlinks to the git repo manually,
but I'm still regularly stymied by pass then failing to edit them
correctly.  The basic bug here is exemplified by (for example):

  1. Add a symlink so b points to a:

     cd ~/.password-store
     ln -s a.gpg b.gpg
     git add b.gpg
     git commit -a -m 'Symlink.'

  2. Edit it via the symlink:

     pass edit b

  3. Pass won't have realised that b was a symlink, and the git repo
     will now have a.gpg modified and uncommitted:

     pass git status


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