Master's thesis about VPN performance featuring WireGuard

Paul Emmerich emmericp at
Tue Mar 5 17:37:31 CET 2019


one of my students wrote his Master's Thesis about performance of VPN gateways.
It's available here:

The thesis features a performance comparison between Wireguard, OpenVPN, and Linux
IPsec. He also implemented several different possible architectures for VPN
gateways and draws some conclusions about possible improvements in Wireguard.

Like most good theses it was written under time pressure close to the deadline,
so there are some rough edges. Despite this I think it's a quite excellent thesis that
I'll be transforming it into a (shorter) journal article later this year, but I've wanted
to share the thesis with you hoping that it's helpful or interesting for some of you.               


(Re-sending due to mail server issues, sorry if you receive duplicates)

Chair of Network Architectures and Services
Department of Informatics
Technical University of Munich
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching bei München, Germany 

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